Climate warning
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Climate warning

Failing to report whats going on

“This is why Europe has been hit by rains and storms”, this is the misleading headline that one of Sweden’s biggest news-channels uses for a clip in which the extreme floods and rains over Germany is talked about. Meteorologist, Peter Kondrup doesn’t mention climate change in the segment, instead he talks about it as rare weather conditions. It’s dangerous when news media like TV4 fails to report about the connection between extreme weather and climate change. Clip from TV4 (Swe):ärför-har-europa-drabbats-av-skyfall-och-oväder/13351049?fbclid=IwAR3kF7bEzvvEVzLXxWgIO9GVSMgAyXfca8pOV1513nKcKtvOyHEA6ITCYXU

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  • TV4

    143 w

    The editorial team invites you to take a look at our overall monitoring of the climate issue, we have a climate commentator and several science and climate reporters who work to monitor the issue. Sometimes, time is limited and not all aspects are included in a short comment in the studio, but we have on many different occasions and in reports on Sweden and the world described how the climate crisis affects the weather. What the meteorologist describes in the segment is the weather (and why it is raining) he does not go into the underlying explanations for the extreme amounts of rain. For example, look at this clip where the extreme weather is explained in connection with global warming:

    • We Don't Have Time

      143 w

      Dear Leo Alexander Thank you for getting your Climate Warning to level 2! We have reached out to TV4 and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Sarah We Don't Have Time

      • Mario de Vries

        144 w

        Better over- than under report!

        • Mårten Laurell Thorlsund

          145 w

          It's all too common of a problem. Mainstream media in general seem to misunderstand correlation (can be weak or strong) over causality. Reality and actuality is there is a HUUUGE smoking gun that we're aiming collectively to ourselves. I like Adams suggestion, mention causality and probability. The science supports this. Over and over again. Not doing so /many media outlets etf) is borderlining fraud to the it's public. No one wins with that approach.

            • Patrick Kiash

              145 w

              It's a huge task that media should address all over!

              • Muhammad Fahd Khan

                145 w

                Hiding scientific facts = Bad reporting

                • Jehannes Ros

                  146 w

                  You can not fully connect the 2 yet in science, but everyone is thinking it is. It is not bad to stick to facts, stay reliable But mention that it maybe inline with it and very hot Nordic summer weather.

                  • Adam Wallin

                    145 w

                    Saying that it might not be connected but that events like these become more common with higher temperatures is a lot better than not mentioning the climate crisis at all.

                    • Jehannes Ros

                      145 w

                      @Adam_Wallin yes, that's possible. I think it should have been mentioned.

                    • Sarah Chabane

                      146 w

                      This seems to be a recurring problem in many media in many countries. Very problematic

                      • Josefin

                        146 w

                        Awful and misleading

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