A commendation to BasiGo for Pioneering Sustainable Transportation eMobility Buses in Kenya and Rwanda.
I commend Basigo for their remarkable strides in advancing eMobility through their electric buses in Kenya. This initiative marks a significant step forward in sustainable transportation. Basigo's dedication to environmental conservation and innovation is truly commendable. Their eMobility buses not only reduce carbon emissions but also establish a new benchmark for public transportation in Kenya. Keep up the excellent work in pioneering clean and efficient transportation solutions!
Nowadays, one can't move within some cities without seeing a Human Made Device (HMD) from BasiGo. It is incredible what they have managed to do within a short time and without a vast pool of resources at their disposal. They've done very well
walter lungayi
30 w
BasiGo's introduction of electric mobility buses in Kenya and Rwanda represents a significant step towards sustainable transportation solutions in East Africa.
Munene Mugambi
30 w
@walter_lungayi Absolutely, they have become the pioneers of green and climate friendly mass transportation systems in these countries. As time goes on, their market share increase and the planet benefits more.
Annett Michuki..
30 w
e mobility will be a game changer in the near future
Munene Mugambi
30 w
@annett_michuki It already is. I have had the pleasure of travelling several times with their buses and I can tell you for certain, they're more comfortable than fossil fueled ones. They also emit minimum noise and are energy efficient.
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Emobility buses are the next big thing,they are super advantageous in that there will be less carbon emissions and will run in a much cheaper way compared to when they consumed fossil fuels
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Nowadays, one can't move within some cities without seeing a Human Made Device (HMD) from BasiGo. It is incredible what they have managed to do within a short time and without a vast pool of resources at their disposal. They've done very well
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BasiGo's introduction of electric mobility buses in Kenya and Rwanda represents a significant step towards sustainable transportation solutions in East Africa.
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@walter_lungayi Absolutely, they have become the pioneers of green and climate friendly mass transportation systems in these countries. As time goes on, their market share increase and the planet benefits more.
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e mobility will be a game changer in the near future
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@annett_michuki It already is. I have had the pleasure of travelling several times with their buses and I can tell you for certain, they're more comfortable than fossil fueled ones. They also emit minimum noise and are energy efficient.
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Emobility buses are the next big thing,they are super advantageous in that there will be less carbon emissions and will run in a much cheaper way compared to when they consumed fossil fuels
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@rosebellendiritu I can't agree more
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BasiGo is setting a commendable example for others to follow.