I think by now on this platform we can all agree that we always look forward to seeing your posts on nature, scenery, and tourist attractions without increasing our carbon footprints. Another great video here
Chris Ndungu
50 w
Videos are encouraging.
Rukia Ahmed Abdi
50 w
I love the videos. I would like to explore this part of the world.
Ingmar Rentzhog
50 w
Those videos are so beautifully made.
The sad thought just struck me that in the future maybe those videos will be seen with totally different eyes if we don't succeed in protecting and regenerating nature.
@Rentzhog I missed the second half of your comment. And yes, you are right, they are also a kind of documentation of how the world looks like today. Never thought of it like this!
50 w
I think by now on this platform we can all agree that we always look forward to seeing your posts on nature, scenery, and tourist attractions without increasing our carbon footprints. Another great video here
50 w
Videos are encouraging.
50 w
I love the videos. I would like to explore this part of the world.
50 w
Those videos are so beautifully made. The sad thought just struck me that in the future maybe those videos will be seen with totally different eyes if we don't succeed in protecting and regenerating nature.
50 w
@Rentzhog Thank you Ingmar! :-D
50 w
@Rentzhog I missed the second half of your comment. And yes, you are right, they are also a kind of documentation of how the world looks like today. Never thought of it like this!