Stena Fastigheters trippelökning av solenergiproduktionen
Stena Fastigheter har vidtagit betydande åtgärder för att minska användningen av el och värme genom att investera i solceller, energilager och AI-styrd värmereglering. Under 2023 ökade fastighetsbolaget sin solenergiproduktion med en imponerande tredubbling jämfört med året innan.
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And together we've planted over 150,000 trees. One tree is planted for every climate review written to an organization that is Open for Climate Dialogue™.
How does this work?
28 w
Stena Fastigheter is making big strides in solar energy. Tripling their rooftop solar production in 2023 is a huge accomplishment. ☀️
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Tripling energy production from solar in 2023 is a commendable achievement, contributing significantly to cleaner and more sustainable power for homes and communities. Let's hope they continue to lead by example and further increase their capacity in 2024! Yeah?
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Wow!This is a literal game changer in the way homes can be built. Clean energy will be massive in coming years.
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@Kevin Clean energy is moving faster than many people thought, and it has become turbocharged lately
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Impressive! The future is indeed here
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Very impressive clean energy all the way 👍
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this is so inspiring
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This is a significant achievement that reflects a growing commitment to sustainable energy. This expansion of solar power at the local level contributes to reducing carbon emissions and advancing the transition towards renewable energy sources.
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@walter_lungayi Correct. It demonstrates their dedication to sustainability. By embracing renewable energy at the local level, they're playing a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions and accelerating the shift towards a cleaner energy future which helps us stay within our climate goals.
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Wow.This is amazing.Congrats to @sten fastigheter.
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Great! Other real estate companies should be inspired by it
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A good start, keep it up!
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Amazing! This looks like a good number, and so heartening to see change happening on such a big scale within a short time.
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@varsa_mahananda_156 Indeed. It's truly impressive to see such substantial progress in a relatively short period. This rapid scale-up of clean energy initiatives is a testament to the commitment to sustainability and the tangible impact it can have on reducing carbon emissions and what happens when an organisation commits to green energy.
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Wow pretty cool, this should be a no-brainer for real estate companies