Join us for two more episodes of Climate Conversations in Cars 🚗💬 - November 15 - 15:00 CEST
In Episode 6, Dr. Sweta Chakraborty sits down with Ebony Twilley Martin, Former Executive Director, Greenpeace USA.
In Episode 7, Nick Nuttall has a chat with Sherri Goodman, Secretary General, International Military Council on Climate & Security
Read more about the proram and watch previous episodes:
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It very clear that by the end of these activities ,,,,we are going to take a very different different step and have a different perspective on matters concerning positive climate action,,,,,having the right exposure at the moment and learning something from these
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Very significant conversation in a car. Cleaner fuel are needed to protect our lung and immunity systems from continous attack of air pollutants.Our body defense system needs it. Apex organizations of security and defenses i.e.military forces also need cleaner fuel for the silent but powerful movement. Serious strikes by extreme weather like by hurricane Michale shows how it can enhance risk and vulnerability of even the largest naval base in US. Electric vehilcles and Hydrogen fuelled ships are needed to mitigate Greenhouse gas emissions. Building resilience and combating climate change are demand by all and for all, from human lungs to strongest defense systems, from civilians to Army. Gratitude for this streaming.
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Nice ! is an amazing