Climate warning
Image of Stockholm Exergi

Stockholm Exergi

Climate warning

Please, don’t start burning oil in Stockholm!

If the new government of Sweden wants to, Stockholm Exergi are ready to start up their old 300 mega watt oil pan in order to keep prices down on electricity. They claim it would be cleaner than German coal power - but I don’t think this is any good idea. There must be other solutions. Do you agree with me? Source:

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  • We Don't Have Time

    75 w

    Stockholm Exergi answered this Climate Warning live on stage at COP27. Watch their explanation and how they listened to our criticism here: Thank you, Stockholm Exergi! We are more than happy about how you handled this climate warning!

    • We Don't Have Time

      83 w

      Dear Petter Körnemark Thank you for getting your climate warning to level 2! We have reached out to Stockholm Exergi and asked for a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Nick D

        83 w

        Difficult one. If its less carbon intensive than German coal powered electricity and for a limited time only during the crisis then maybe. However, Sweden is made up of 6 grids, some have very low electricity prices so a better idea would be to link these together and share the electricity around.

        • Ingmar Rentzhog

          83 w

          @nick_d It is not difficult at all. We can save energy instead. Calculation has shown that if we save 5% electricity in Europe we will have no more high electricity prices. 5%!! How hard can it be? Stockholm Exergi could Advocate for that instead of lobbying about being allowed to burn oil! We are talking about a company that previously had very high climate ambitions. Their goal is to make Stockholm the world's first climate-positive capital in 2025! That goal will not be possible if they start burning oil!

        • Patrick Kiash

          83 w

          Bad idea..

          • Sarah Chabane

            83 w

            Big mistake

            • Markus Lutteman

              83 w

              This company claims it wants to help making Stockholm a climate-positive city. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but burning oil is not gonna get you there.

              • Christina Carlmark

                83 w

                A step in the wrong direction - do not do it!

                • Muhammad Fahd Khan

                  83 w

                  Bad comparision of coal and oil

                  • Ingmar Rentzhog

                    83 w

                    What. I am one of their customers because they are not using fossils. They closed their coal power plant just a few years back and now they want to start burning oil. Very upsetting!

                    • Petter Körnemark

                      83 w

                      @Rentzhog they may not want to, but they are ready to start with it if the government wants to. So the government too deserves a warning.

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