Climate idea
Image of Regeringskansliet


Climate idea

Reinstall a Minister for Agriculture and make regenerative agriculture a solution to the climate crisis

The Swedish government must re-learn and re-route its understanding and practice of agriculture to becoming one of the world's first fossil free nations in 2045*. In recent years the Swedish government deliberately lacked the competence and responsibility within agriculture. This is a major problem since the road towards a fossil-free Sweden 2045 needs a silver-bullet to decarbonize an inherently GHG-fueled food and agricultural system. Hence I propose reinstalling a Minister for Agriculture and to simultaneously move from its current portfolio with the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation and the Minister for Business, Industry and Innovation Ibrahim Baylan. A re-emerged Ministry for Agriculture is an absolute must and minimum. The only way to achieve the zero-carbon society goal is to enroll in a holistic and sustainable agricultural practice. We need a systemic change. A move to re regenerative farming policy has been advocated from FAO, Project Drawdown and many others**. As seen in the image, energy use/consumption 1953-2001 has boomed during what is often described as "the great transition" etc. Another way of looking at how far off from staying on route to decarbonize agriculture is to look at CO2 emissions over the 19th and 20th century. It's easy to dee this when referring to the Keeling curve, the hockey-stick graph (as coined by Michael E. Mann***), the fossil energy sources as a part of global energy usage/consumption production (in 2019, 84,3 percent of human energy consumption comes from fossil sources as displayed by Our world in Data, Additionally, in order to understand the climate crisis, it's crucial to understand what greenhouse gases (GHG) are responsible for the climate emergency, we need to relearn some basic mathematics and agriculture, land and forestry use, and practice. Finally, we need to decode the message and discourse in mainstream media of what actually fuels (!) the climate crisis. It’s fossil energy sources, human-induced emissions from burning of oil and other fossil fuels for energy in agriculture and our whole global societies. The differences of greenhouse gases that pass through livestock need to continue to be tracked as nitrous oxide etc, but the focus needs to shift from burning of the fossil fuels extracted deep and the natural and short-lives ones through livestock and wild ruminants. Thus I like to suggest all Swedish readers to read and understand the correct mathematical differences as of methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, etc here: (Trädgården Jorden, Gunnar Rundgren). * A summary of Sweden's societal zero-carbon ambitions: (UNFCC) ** Read more here: (FAO) and (Project Drawdown) *** I also recommend everyone to read and listen to Michael E. Mann and James E. Hansen, two prominent climate scientists and straight-talkers. Follow, read, listen and subscribe to them here: (Michael E. Mann), for instance about his (et at) hockey stick graph, (Micheal E. Mann) and James E. Hansen: (James E. Hansen).

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  • We Don't Have Time

    132 w

    Dear Mårten Thorslund Thank you for getting your climate idea to level 2! We have reached out to Regeringskansliet and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

    • Mårten Laurell Thorlsund

      133 w

      Where is the testimony by Sweden's Minister of Agriculture in this video with distinguished dito from all over the globe in the climate and food security solution as proposed by the organization "4 per 1000 ("4 pour 1000" etc): ? Oh, yes that's right, contrary to most countries in the world SWEDEN DOESN'T HAVE A MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE...!

      • Patrick Kiash

        135 w

        Great Idea worth to be implemented all over!

        • Anette Nordvall

          136 w

          Thankfully WDHT are inviting all the swedish politicians and governmental decision makers to education session on Climate action!

          • Mårten Laurell Thorlsund

            136 w

            Yes Anette I saw that. Really good! Please consider and feel free to use this climate idea then! That is if you, Ingmar and the team feel like it use my climate idea to ask PMs how they stand, and if they agree with it.

          • Sarah Chabane

            136 w

            That's a great idea, regenerative agriculture is the future. I find it very strange that Sweden does not have an agriculture minister!

            • Mårten Laurell Thorlsund

              136 w

              So do I as you and so should all people and nations on earth. It's core and the very foundation of human civilzation, currently under stress from climate breakdown. Nations, PMs, and governments who lack independent Ministries for Agriculture are not fit for office and will degenerate slowly. The Market, whatever that means, are not alone able or fit to deliver on human rights. Access to safe and healthy food is a unilateral human right, as also agreed by the UN.

            • Jonas Bane

              136 w

              Yes! A critical suggestion with great potential!

              • Mårten Laurell Thorlsund

                136 w

                I'd go so far as to say it's a shame and a symptom of how the current and previous Swedish governments have failed to address the importance of agriculture instead of thinking it's like any other commodity. Which it's not! #regenerative #agriculture #climatecrisis #resilience #FoodSecurity #regenerativeag

                • Johannes Luiga

                  136 w

                  @MartenThorslund totally agree👍

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