Climate love
Image of Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

Climate love

International Day for Biological Diversity: for highlighting the need for more biodiversity

Today is the International Day for Biological Diversity on “Building a shared future for all life”. Fitting within the context of the ongoing United Nations Decade on Restoration, which highlights that biodiversity is the answer to several sustainable development challenges, the slogan conveys the message that biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build back better. From ecosystem-based approaches to climate and/or nature-based solutions to climate, health issues, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods, biodiversity is the pillar upon which we, humans, build civilization and ensure life. The loss of biodiversity threatens all of us, including our health: when biodiversity has a problem, humanity has a problem Some facts about biodiversity around the world: 🌍 There are 8 million total estimated animal and plant species on Earth, and about 1 million faces the threat of extinction 🦕 At least 680 vertebrate species have gone extinct since the 16th century 🐸 Extinction threatens more than 40% of amphibians 🐳 Extinction threatens more than a third of all marine mammals 🐜 40% of all insects species are declining globally and a third of them are endangered 🐘 There has been a 68% average decline in the population sizes of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish between 1970 and 2016 🌴 The planet lost 100 million hectares of tropical forest from 1980 to 2000 🌍 Human activities are overusing the earth’s bio-capacity by an estimated 56% 🏭 Human activities have significantly altered 75% of land-based environments and 66% of marine environments ⚠️ Current negative trends in biodiversity and ecosystems show that we will not meet 80% of the assessed targets of the Sustainable Development Goals concerning poverty, hunger, health, etc Read more:

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Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

98 w

On the occasion of Biodiversity Day, 22 May, we thank We Don't Have Time and the climate action community for your hard work for the planet. As you know, conserving and sustainably managing biodiversity is critical to addressing climate change. Therefore, we hope that many of you will include biodiversity components into your climate actions. Please do reach out to us if we can help you achieve this. One way of joining the conversation is by looking for our handle on social media: @UNBiodiversity. Let’s take climate action to the next level and start living in harmony with nature. We hope to have you among us soon, and certainly by the time we reach Biodiversity Day next year on 22 May 2023 ( Once again, our heartfelt thanks.

  • john yoy

    96 w

    Farmers are your original environmentalist. Focus on connecting the cities and the farmer. Communication is key it’s ok to have differing opinions. How do we find common ground ?

    • Salman Raza

      98 w

      Regards Professor Salman Raza Director General BS20/Administrator Directorate of Inspection,Registration Private Institutions Education &Literacy Department Government of Sindh Province Pakistan Professor of Zoology World Renowned Zoologist and Entomologist 🇵🇰🇺🇳⭐🇵🇰🇺🇳⭐🇵🇰🇺🇳⭐🇵🇰🇺🇳⭐🇵🇰🇺🇳⭐

      • Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

        98 w

        On the occasion of Biodiversity Day, 22 May, we thank We Don't Have Time and the climate action community for your hard work for the planet. As you know, conserving and sustainably managing biodiversity is critical to addressing climate change. Therefore, we hope that many of you will include biodiversity components into your climate actions. Please do reach out to us if we can help you achieve this. One way of joining the conversation is by looking for our handle on social media: @UNBiodiversity. Let’s take climate action to the next level and start living in harmony with nature. We hope to have you among us soon, and certainly by the time we reach Biodiversity Day next year on 22 May 2023 ( Once again, our heartfelt thanks.

        • We Don't Have Time

          99 w

          Dear Marine Stephan Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

          • Sweta Chakraborty

            101 w

            Thanks for sharing!

            • Peter Kamau

              102 w

              This day is a humble reminder that the existence of our planet and all that's it's therein is rooted on biodiversity and shielding it means shielding ourselves for posterity.

              • Kumar M Iyer

                102 w

                When will we learn moderation. When will we learn not to grab everything as a right. We have to learn to share our blessings with our fellow human beings and also the plants and other animal species on this earth, if we are to survive. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, " Nature has everything for Man's needs, but not enough for Man's greed." When will man learn to ever say enough and stop. If we don't do it, we will be forced by nature to do it. Moderation and austerity measures are the need of the hour, but are we willing to listen to the voices of reason, and reduce our demands. Still waiting.....

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