Climate love
Image of ICA


Climate love

Swedish grocery store ICA awarded by the UN for their sustainability work

Swedish grocery store ICA awarded by the UN for their sustainability work

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127 w

Thank you for paying attention to our climate efforts, and the award we received from the UN! We are incredibly proud of the progress we have made so far - with a 76% reduction in emissions in our own operations between 2006 and 2020. However, we are far from finished with our climate ambition. Food production accounts for somewhere between a quarter and a third of the global climate footprint, and we see that there is a great opportunity for all players in the grocery industry to make an impact. Through our collaboration with suppliers to develop an attractive product range with lower climate footprint, and our efforts to make it easy for consumers to make more sustainable choices, we hope to achieve our ambition to halve the climate footprint from the foods we sell by 2030! For those who want to contribute on this journey, please join the free service My climate goal at to keep track of your climate footprint from food, and learn more on how to reduce it. /Karin Amnå, senior sustainability manager, ICA Group

  • ICA

    127 w

    Thank you for paying attention to our climate efforts, and the award we received from the UN! We are incredibly proud of the progress we have made so far - with a 76% reduction in emissions in our own operations between 2006 and 2020. However, we are far from finished with our climate ambition. Food production accounts for somewhere between a quarter and a third of the global climate footprint, and we see that there is a great opportunity for all players in the grocery industry to make an impact. Through our collaboration with suppliers to develop an attractive product range with lower climate footprint, and our efforts to make it easy for consumers to make more sustainable choices, we hope to achieve our ambition to halve the climate footprint from the foods we sell by 2030! For those who want to contribute on this journey, please join the free service My climate goal at to keep track of your climate footprint from food, and learn more on how to reduce it. /Karin Amnå, senior sustainability manager, ICA Group

    • Sarah Chabane

      127 w

      Great to hear from you ICA! How do you tackle food waste in your shops? I see many bad practices when I go around shopping in different ICA supermarkets in Stockholm, do you have any general guidelines or training for your employees? How do you measure food waste? Thanks!

    • We Don't Have Time

      127 w

      Dear Johannes Luiga Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to ICA and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

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