Joe Biden
Climate love
36 w
EPA distributes $900 million to school districts for electric buses
Electrifying the entire U.S. school bus fleet could cost as much as $200 billion, one study found.
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Businesses and leaders will listen and reply on We Don't Have Time
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All leaders ought to lead by a good example..this is the way to go.good job.
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A fantastic step forward in reducing emissions and promoting clean energy
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That's so thoughtful of the administration đź‘Ź
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Avis sur la solution climatique de l'administration Biden Je salue !
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Electric cars are the future, let's go eclectic
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Dear Gorffly mokua Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Joe Biden by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time
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That's such a smart move
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@ann_nyambura_542 I agree... such investments are worth it ... we should see more of such soon especially in other parts of the world
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Kudos to the Biden admin for being great champions to the zero emissions transition.
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@Kevin I agree that Biden admin has really tried and it is heading the right direction..
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@Kevin their actions are laudable and they deserve all the commendation for a well-done job
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@gorffly_mokua I hope they get re-elected for that to finish all that they had planned ...
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This administration will definitely go down in the books of history for being change makers, especially in the fight against climate change
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Zero emissions is really the way to go đź’Ż
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@johnte_ndeto I agree... Electrification of public transport will bring a tremendous change in the fight against fossil fuels and pollution ... kudos to the Bidens administration
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@johnte_ndeto With such efforts, achieving zero emissions is very possible.
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@gorffly_mokua imagine if this continue it will be achieve sooner than we thought
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Wow.A thumps up to @potus for his continues dedication towards climate sustainability.
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@rukia_ahmed_abdi Biden is doing an amazing job that deserves all the commendation and emulation
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Great news!! This represents a significant step towards decarbonizing the transportation sector and promoting cleaner, more sustainable mobility options for students and communities nationwide. This initiative can catalyze wider adoption of electric vehicles and associated infrastructure.
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@walter_lungayi I really hope it'll be the culture for schoolers to really interact and appreciate EVs.
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@walter_lungayi I agree with you... Electrifying public transport has a lot of benefits and other countries should borrow from this
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@johnte_ndeto with this they will definitely like EVs which will push them to adopting them in future