Climate love
Image of Ferroamp


Climate love

Ferroamp offers a vision of how technology and local solutions can turn a goal into a reality.

Ferroamp has created the EnergyHub system, bringing a new future proof way of integrating solar PV, energy storage and DC loads in one system. With one single inverter, the EnergyHub, new DC devices can be added when required. The bidirectional inverter acts as a bridge between the utility AC grid and a local DC Nanogrid within the building or between buildings where solar PV, energy storage, and loads are connected. Read more about how Ferroamp could be used in this article

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164 w

Thank you for giving Climate love to Ferroamp's EnergyHub system, which offers possibilities to integrate solar cells and local wind power with energy storage and charging of electric cars. With our system, property owners can reduce the load on the electricity grid, both through their own production of renewable energy and by managing power peaks with phase balancing and energy storage. Ferroamp is growing and our main focus now is to develop our product portfolio and our organization to be able to grow internationally.

  • Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson

    164 w

    More of this please

    • Ferroamp

      164 w

      Thank you for giving Climate love to Ferroamp's EnergyHub system, which offers possibilities to integrate solar cells and local wind power with energy storage and charging of electric cars. With our system, property owners can reduce the load on the electricity grid, both through their own production of renewable energy and by managing power peaks with phase balancing and energy storage. Ferroamp is growing and our main focus now is to develop our product portfolio and our organization to be able to grow internationally.

      • We Don't Have Time

        166 w

        Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Ferroamp and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

        Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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