
Let’s use our subsidies to support sustainable pea farming

If you've been keeping up with our posts, you're probably aware that peas are the cool kids of the crop world when it comes to sustainability. Despite peas’ awesome ability to be a cover crop, improve soil health, have a low water footprint, and be a source of protein, they aren’t receiving the same amount of crop subsidies when compared to corn. US federal crop subsidies for dry peas only make up barely over 1% when compared to the subsidies for corn.
From an environmental perspective, this is a massive misuse of federal resources. Let’s break down why:
Between 1995 and 2021, a little over 35% of U.S. agricultural subsidies went to corn. This translates to a whopping $39,549,930! When compared to the next highest subsidized crop, soybeans, they only get around $23.5 million.
So now, what about dry peas?
Brace yourself: the subsidies for peas in comparison to corn farming nationally are like finding loose change in your couch cushions.
Peas receive a measly $428,846 in US federal agricultural subsidies.
We're talking about a measly 1% — barely a blip on the subsidy radar! It's like peas got invited to the subsidy party, but corn showed up with a full marching band and fireworks. Talk about an unbalanced crop budget extravaganza!
At PeaTos, we want you to be a part of the peas-olution! Together, we can make peas the eco-friendly rockstars of our plates.US government, there’s no need to keep raining on the pea-rade. It’s time to give peas the crop subsidies they deserve!
While Uncle Sam does their thing, why not enjoy the snacktastic goodness of PeaTos? Indulge in the crunch while democracy does its slow dance! And for those who like to get creative in the kitchen, why not experiment with PeaTos-infused recipes that will make your taste buds sing? How about this vegan PeaTos Queso, or if you need a complete dinner, try out this sweet bean casserole! You can find more vegan PeaTos recipe ideas on our website.
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  • ance Star

    47 w

    Let peas improve the climate

    • Munene Mugambi

      47 w

      We should make subsidies for them a common thing. Two peas in a pod kind of arrangement

      • Lucinda Ramsay

        47 w

        Give peas a chance😁

        • Sarah Chabane

          47 w

          We should subsidise products with a positive climate impact and peas are one of them!

          • Ford Brodeur

            47 w

            Less than 1% of U.S. federal agricultural subsidy funding goes to peas? That is shockingly low, especially since peas do so much for the environment.

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